Elusive Overdrive (Black Edition)
Elusive Overdrive (Black Edition)
Ships two weeks from the purchase date
• Dual sided transparent overdrive that have each side having its own unique overdrive characteristics.
•Each side has the ability to work independently or stacked together. Each side has a range of gain structure from a slight boost up to a full sounding medium gain. Stacking them together adds even more drive, compression and sustain. One side can be rhythm drive and the other side can be used as a solo boost. The range of combinations are vast.
• External Controls (each side): volume, drive and tone, two footswitches (one per side), and an input and output jack.
• Internal Controls: 4 gang DIP switch to add or remove clipping diodes (two per side), presence trim pot (one per side).
• Power Requirements: 9-18 volts DC 100mA.
• Left Side (blue) uses specific hand selected vF silicone clipping diodes that give great low/medium gain overdrive tones with rich harmonics and a good amount of compression with a bit of bite.
• Right Side (white) uses specific hand selected vF LED clipping diodes that give a more open, less compressed overdrive characteristic with a bit more midrange focus that provide a wide range of drive with a bit more midrange growl.